Alignment-based bodywork designed for you to deeply unwind.

I help the body return to its ideal alignment by addressing underlying postural and muscular imbalances. When you achieve ideal alignment, you achieve optimal physical function and performance. A well-functioning body will support a healthy, pain-free life.

My goal is to alleviate pain, provide education, and support your most radiant health. I want to enable you to feel joy and ease in your body, so you shine from within!

Structural Therapy ⟶

Perfect for pain, old injuries, or areas of dysfunction. This modality aims to correct dysfunction in the musculoskeletal system by using massage techniques and corrective exercise. It is highly beneficial for anyone with chronic pain, past trauma or injury, as well as desk workers, athletes, or people who want to be more active!


Face Lifting Massage ⟶

The face lifting massage is a pampering experience. It is focused on the face, head and neck, in addition to the hands, feet and back. You will feel rejuvenated by massage techniques that relax, energize and plump the muscles of the face while lulling the nervous system into a state of deep rest. Perfect for a skin boost, as well as for headache or TMJ issues.

Each session is personalized to fit your individual body’s needs. Your goals along with my assessment of your musculoskeletal structure will inform a treatment plan.